Product Features

LP membrane module is a reverse osmosis membrane product designed for influent TDS≤2000mg/L groundwater and lightly polluted industrial wastewater advanced treatment and other application scenarios, with a wide range of water quality adaptation and operating pressure application, and still maintain a very high water flux performance under the condition of high salt rejection rate. Products can be used in municipal water desalination, electronic ultrapure water preparation, boiler make-up water treatment and reclaimed water regeneration and other fields.

Product size

LP-RO-Membrane-4 inch 8 inch size

Unit: mm (inch)

Membrane element specifications and performance

Membrane Element ModelStable Desalination Rate
Minimum Desalination Rate
Average Water Output GPD
Effective Membrane Area
CM-LP-404099.2992600(9.8)78 (7.2)
CM-LP-8040 (400)99.29911000(41.6)400 (37.2)
CM-LP-8040 (440)99.29912000(45)440 (41)

Test conditions

Test pressure…150 psi(1.03 MPa) 

Test solution temperature…25℃ 

Test solution concentration (NaCl)…2000 ppm 

Test solution pH…7.5 

Recovery rate of single membrane element…15%

Extreme conditions

Maximum operating pressure…600 psi (4.14 MPa) 

Maximum water flow……75 gpm (17 m³/h) (8040)     16 gpm (3.6 m³/h) (4040) 

Maximum water temperature…45°C 

Maximum water SDI₁₅…

Free chlorine concentration in water…<0.1 ppm 

pH range in water during continuous operation…2-11 

pH range in water during chemical cleaning…1-13

Production workshop